Jax Decimator Filter App
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JAX Decimator (Audio Unit)

JAX Decimator continues our [ Just An Extension ] series of specialised audio effect processors and delivers a distortion effect alike audio unit (AUv3), which is expert in degrading digital audio, controllable in realtime (also via direct MIDI controllers). It is registered as a MIDI controlled audio effect. Parameter automation is possible too.

Audio Units are Apples preferred method of providing shared audio components (extensions) for system wide usage on all of their platforms. Unlike with old IAA (Inter-App-Audio), multiple instances can be loaded and process audio streams concurrently. The extensions integrate into the external hosts and behave like their internal components, but running in a separate process.

Reducing resolution of audio surprisingly generates paradox but interesting sonic results due to the fact, that a wide range of new overtones is produced this way. Low fidelity audio of that sort therefore is a production secret of many professional musicians and also mostly the reason for the legendary characteristics of some ancient production equipment caused by the technical limitations of that time. Modern styles often will profit from controlled degradation of certain parts, adding som magic and spice to the entire result.

With JAX Decimator you can artificially and creatively degrade your audio streams mainly based on 2 fundamentally different reducing mechanisms. These are step-less sample rate reduction and fractional bit depth reduction. Additionally there are several specialised filters available to fine-tune the results of these quite raw sounding signal degenerators. The audio effect also includes some complex DSP boost from our analog modelled JAF Collection.

A manual is embedded into the distribution app, which works as a minimal audio unit host for testing the shipped extension. If you deinstall the app, the audio unit is removed also from the system and no longer available to other apps.

Get Jax Decimator HERE

FD-1 Filter Delay App
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FD-1 Filter Delay

FD-1 is a Semi-Modular Effect Plugin including dedicated Filter, Delay and Modulation sections.

At it’s core, FD-1 is designed to create filter rythms and grooves by first sending the signal through a modulated filter section before feeding it to a delay stage but it goes much further than that.

Built-in Step Sequencer and Low Frequency Oscillator serve as modulation sources and are ideal for creating rythmic filter sequences either free running or tempo-synced to a host application.

However, due it’s semi modular nature, not just filter cutoff but every control within FD-1 can be a modulation target allowing for an increased range effects and combinations ranging from Chorus and Flanger type effects over Analog and Tape Style echos to complex Stutter and Repeat effects.

FD-1 Filter Delay

– VA Multi Mode Filter with 2 & 4 Pole options
– Digital Stereo Delay with Tempo Sync and Time Range Control
– Analog Style Step Sequencer
– Low Frequency Oscillator
– Easy to use Mod Matrix
– Input Low-Cut and Drive Controls
– Individual Return Levels for Filter and Delay

– Standalone
– AUv3
– AudioBus (Filter)

– Tempo Sync
– CC Control

– iOS11+
– iPad 4th generation or newer


Real Delayrium Delay Effect
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Real Delayrium

RealDelayrium is a MultiDelay Audio Units PlugIn in parallel approach. It is based on 6 delay line with controls in Time, Feedback, Reson Filter, Frequency Modulation, LowPass, HighPass and Air Filter.
It can be use as classic delay or sperimental mode for sound design and more. RealDelayrium contains 2 Audio Unit Plugin: Mono and Stereo mode.

– AUv3 Audio Unit Effect (apeMatrix, AUM, Cubasis, Nano Studio…)
– 6 Delay Line
– Distance control and Delay Time
– Reson Filter
– Frequency Modulation of the Reson Filter
– LowPass and HighPass Filter
– Air Filter
– Preset System

Get Real Delayarium HERE

Wider Free Stereo Widening App
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Wider Free Stereo Widening App

Wider by Infected Mushroom App Store Description:
Wider — derived from the massively popular stereo feature of its sibling Manipulator — expands the stereo image of a mono signal to an awe-inspiring amount of width.

However, Wider is a unique stereo plugin in the sense that it is completely “mono-compatible,” meaning that any signal that has been extended will always remain in phase with itself, even if summed to mono.

Many stereo effects currently in use have the nasty habit of knocking signals out of phase which can quickly make a track sound muddy and unbalanced, or make sounds seem flat and lacking dynamics if one isn’t mindful of the effect. Thanks to Wider’s one-of-a-kind all-pass and comb filtering algorithm, a natural-sounding stereo image is created from a mono channel without compromising the phase between the sides. Because Wider cancels itself out when summed to mono, the original signal is left intact.

Wider can be used to increase the stereo image of any mono signal up to 200% of full stereo for an extra wide, exaggerated effect.

Get Wide for FREE HERE

Metapad Controller App
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Metapad iOS Controller

Meet Metapad – a powerful and flexible gesture-based controller that enables you to control any application on your Mac/PC with actions assigned to intuitive gestures. Use your muscle memory and trigger various types of actions on your computer with tap, pan and swipe gestures right on your iPhone. Enjoy immersive visual, auditory and haptic feedback on each performed gesture. Create multi-step macros to make your work faster and more enjoyable. Integrate your iPhone with popular DAW software and access thousands of DAW-specific commands directly on your iPhone. So turn your iPhone into an elegant and advanced touchpad and tap into gesture-enabled workflow!


– WiFi/USB connectivity
– Mac/Win support
– four gesture types (tap, double tap, pan and swipe) with multiple finger layouts and four gesture layers gives you access to 240 assignable gesture variations for each application on your computer
– immersive feedback on each gesture (gesture type, actions info, haptic feedback during pan gestures)
– keyboard shortcuts, text and various MIDI actions
– multi-step macros with pause command
– deep integration with popular DAW software (Cubase, Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, Studio One, Digital Performer and Reaper)
– configurable workspaces for your favourite applications
– predefined workspaces for Cubase, Logic Pro X, Live, Studio One, Sketch, Xcode and other popular applications
– auto-sync/import/export through Dropbox for your custom gesture sets and macros
– automatic workspace switching depending on which application is in focus on your computer
– auto-lock functionality that enables Metapad to control the chosen application even if it is not in focus on your computer

Get Metapad HERE

  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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