Woodstepper Sampler Step Sequencer
The WoodStepper is a sequencer having both audio and midi out.
It consists of 4 independent 8-steps sequencers which can be linked to a 16, 24 or 32 steps sequencer.
Each step can send 4 midi messages (note on, CC, …) to 2 midi channels.
The audio part for each sequencer has a pitch (down) shifter, (Moog lowpass) filter with ASR envelope, saturator, amplitude ASR envelope and delay line which can all be set independently per step.
The audio sources can be the track audio, sampled audio or the built-in VCO.
The app can be used stand-alone (device audio input and output) or as a plugin in a DAW.
In this case it has to be inserted in an audio track and not in an instrument track as WoodStepper is still an audio effects plugin with additional midi input and output.
The manual can be downloaded from : http://www.woodmansimmaculatemaplesyrupstudio.be/woodstepper/WoodStepperHelp.pdf– IOS plugin type : AUv3, IAA and stand-alone app.
– Has 4 independent 8-steps sequencers.
– Sequencers can be linked to form 16, 24, or 32 steps sequencer(s).
– Each sequencer can have a different timing.
– Steps can be disabled for non 4/4 patterns.
– Each step can send up to 4 midi messages (+ all previous notes off) on 2 midi channels
– Midi note-on values can follow a midi received ground note.
– Audio sources can be the track audio, sampled audio or a VCO (per sequencer).
– Sampling can be armed (per sequencer) with a button or a midi in CC.
– Each sequencer has it’s own gain, clipping led and brick-wall limiter.
– VCO’s have the usual waveforms and can be FM modulated.
– VCO frequency/note value can be set with a midi in note-on.
– Polyphonic mode sends 4 subsequent note-ons to the 4 VCO’s.
– Each step has a pitch down shifter.
– Pitch shifters have a glide control.
– Pitch shifters can be set to a random value (out of a list of scales).
– Pitch values can be harmonically locked to the Just Scale or the Equally Tempered Scale.
– Each step has a 4-pole Moog Lowpass filter with resonance and ASR envelope.
– Steps have an additional high-pass filter and a saturation control.
– All steps have an ASR amplitude envelope and a step gain.
– Each step has its own delay line with independent timing, feedback, and filtering.
– Step audio and delay can be panned independently per step.
– Sequencers can be started manually or started when Playing (transport) starts.
– A “Play 1 Step” button allows to finetune step settings
– An “All Steps” button allows to set the same parameter value in all steps.
– Has a global Dry-Wet, Input gain and Output gain control.
– Presets can be stored in iCloud Drive (makes them available on all your devices).
– Presets can be switched with Midi Program Changes.
– Major controls can be set with Midi CC messages.
Get Woodstepper HERE