Doctor Om Simulator For iOS
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Doctor Om For iOS

Awe yeah , I remember first hearing about this rare synth back when I was small! The original synth dates back to the 70s was nicknamed Doctor Om for the meditation-friendly tones it generates. Others believe the name is an acronym for Drone Ready Oscillator Module or Dual Recirculating Oscillator Module, but no one knows for certain where the name comes from originally.

DIY synth enthusiasts discovered the device was easily hackable, and closely-guarded photocopies of modding schematics have been handed around the community for years. The directions show how to rewire the generator into a nice little synth with two mixable Low Frequency Oscillators and a Voltage-Controlled Filter.

The app version is a complete and playable simulation of three different versions of DR-OM boxes that were discovered at a yard sale near Quonset Point along with a folder of photocopied schematics. Each DR-OM unit has its own characteristic sound because of degrading components or bad wiring by the owner. The Speed dial is the most finicky part of the assembly; depending on the box, the dial can cause tuning drifts, random events and gnarly effects.

Note: You’ll probably want to use more than 2 fingers with DR-OM, so try turning off Multitasking Gestures in the General Settings on your iPad. This is a universal app for iPhone 4+ and the iPad. It is produced by the Fluxama Group, the creators of another iPadLoops favorite

Dr-Om is available for $1.99

1 Bit Pixitracker Chiptune For iOS
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1 Bit PixiTracker For Chiptune

PixiTracker 1BIT is a simple and fun tool to quickly create musical sketches, chip tunes and experiments with TRUE 1-BIT SOUND (like on old microcomputers). No musical knowledge required. Perfect for producing Chiptune and Glitch music.

What’s New in Version 1.1
* Audiobus and JACK support;
* additional audio/gfx settings in the Main Menu -> Preferences -> Audio & Graphics;
* additional background images (Main Menu -> Preferences -> Background);
* now you can play any loaded WAV sound with its original speed on the first note of the 6th octave;
* bugs fixed.

[ Key features ]
• true 1-bit sound: only 1 and 0 in the final mix;
• pattern based sequencer (tracker);
• max number of tracks: 12; max number of steps: 64;
• MIDI keyboard support;
• several packs with unique sounds;
• mic/line-in sound recording;
• Wi-Fi export/import;
• export to WAV;
• audio copy/paste;
• iTunes File Sharing;
• warm pixel interface

PixiTracker 1 Bit is available for $1.99

Simple Ambient Music App
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Simple Ambient Music App

Ambient foley room by the maker of Clickspace is a simple sound app that, upon first listen, I thought added a huge ambient Reverb to the prerecorded sound and custom recordings but after installing and playing with this app I realized it’s actually using grain sampling, cross fading, and looping to extend sounds the sounds. Three tracks for iPhone/iPod touch and six for iPad. I don’t know any other program or hardware synth that could do it the way this app can. The results are very smooth, droney, and ambient. I’m very pleased with this app.

What’s New in Version 1.1
+iPhone 5 support
more samples, improvements, bugfixes
iPad owners could render sound output

Ambient Foley Room App

Create ambient sounds on your iPhone.

Ambient Foley Room is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Simple Sound File Player For iPhone
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Simple Sound File Player For iPhone

SAMPL is a free app that simply allows you to play your own sounds from a customizable button interface. Sound files can be easily added to the app via iTunes file sharing.

Main features;
• Easy to use, hardware-like user interface
• Customizable button assignment
• Switchable button labels
• Wooden side panels

SAMPL Screenshot

SAMPL Screenshot

Supported audio file formats/extensions:
• AAC (.m4a)
• MP3 (.mp3, obviously)
• AIFF (.aif, .aiff, .aifc)
• WAVE (.wav, .bwf)
• Core Audio Format (.caf)

SAMPL is available for FREE

Muza Music Instrument App
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Muza Music Instrument and Controller App

Muza is a universal app for both iPhone and iPad. It’s UI design is beautiful and easy to use. Muza is both a musical instrument and MIDI controller. It works in a selectable musical scale, featuring unique harmonizing tool, user friendly side keyboard and a pitch wheel. You can use it stand alone, or as a MIDI controller. If you want to use it with external hardware or a computer, it’s easily hooks up via Core MIDI and than you are ready to play music. Customize look of an app, tweak scale and behavior, save presets.

What’s New in Version 1.1

* improved virtual MIDI
* stripe pitch bending (hold note and drag to the left)
* MIK scale names for Major and Minor

Key features:

* Unique “Harmony” instrument to play chords
* 2 octave Side keyboard “Stripe” with octave shifter that plays notes in scale
* 2 extra pads to load one-shot or looped samples (drones, ambience, drums etc)
* Pitch wheel
* 200+ samples
* MIDI Support. Each instrument can be set to one of 16 midi channels
* 26 musical scales including Pentatonic, Hexatonic and Octatonic scales.
* 3D design with 18 different color schemes
* Adjustable light to suit your mood
* You can save your soundset, scale and options in one of 128 presets


  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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