Ribn MIDI controller with ribbons
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Ribn is a MIDI controller with 8 assignable ribbons. What makes Ribn unique is its ability to record and loop your finger movement. This allows you to add organic repeating modulation to your synths and effects, kind of like complex LFOs. You can assign a unique MIDI channel and CC# to each ribbon. As long as your gear responds to MIDI CC messages you will be able to control it with Ribn.

• 8 MIDI CC ribbon pads
• Add modulation to your MIDI hardware synths, effects, eurorack modulars, drum machines, etc.
• Configurable MIDI channel and CC# per ribbon
• Ribbons record and loop your finger movement
• Looping can be turned off to enable standard ribbon sliders
• Choose 2, 4 or 8 ribbons
• Use a wired MIDI interface, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
• All settings are saved automatically
• Works on iPhone (including iPhone X) and iPad

• Control hardware MIDI synths parameters like the filter cutoff frequency, resonance, oscillator octave, etc.
• Control any soft synth in Ableton Live (or your favorite DAW) by connecting your iOS device to your Mac via Wi-Fi and choosing “Session 1” as the MIDI output in Ribn.
• Control your Eurorack modules by running Ribn through a MIDI to CV converter.
• Control drum machines and effects. For example, try controlling the room size of a reverb effect unit with a looping ribbon or the snappiness of a snare drum on a drum machine. The possibilities are endless.
• Daisy chain your MIDI hardware using MIDI Thru ports and assign each ribbon to a different MIDI channel. This way you can control more than one piece of hardware at a time. For example, you can assign the first 4 ribbons to a synth and the last 4 to an effect unit.

• Connect your MIDI gear (like a synth) to your iOS device using a MIDI interface (wired or bluetooth)
• Launch Ribn and select your MIDI interface in the settings page.
• Find out which CC# and MIDI channel your gear responds to (usually at the end of the manual) and enter this information in RIbn’s edit view.
• Slide your finger on a ribbon to send CC values and control the parameters on your MIDI gear.

• MIDI is just the way electronic musical instruments talk to each other.
• CC (Continuous Controller) is just a way to control various parameters using MIDI. For example, a synth’s filter cutoff frequency can be controlled using a MIDI CC signal.

** NOTE **
• Ribn is a MIDI controller and doesn’t produce any sounds. To use Ribn you must connect it to a device that responds to MIDI CC signals (check your gear’s manual to be sure).
• Ribn doesn’t send note data, it only sends CC signals (you can’t play melodies with it, but you can control various parameters like synthesizer filters, or effects settings).
• To connect your iOS device to MIDI gear you will need to buy a MIDI interface. A MIDI interface typically connects to your iOS lightning port and provides standard MIDI DIN ports to connect to your hardware. There are also bluetooth MIDI interfaces that connect wirelessly. Alternatively, you can connect to your Mac over Wi-Fi and control software synths that way. This setup is a little more complex but totally doable (I’ve tested controlling Ableton Live plugins over Wi-Fi with Ribn and it worked perfectly).

Get Ribn

Sunvox Update Is Huge
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SunVox iPad App

SunVox is the most powerful music creation tool for iOS. It is a small and fast cross-platform modular synthesizer with pattern based sequencer (tracker).

v1.9.4 (29 jul 2018):

* user files are now available through the Files app;
* partial USB/Bluetooth keyboard support (no key release, no Home/End, no F1/F2/…);
* improved iPhone X display support;
* sound engine optimization;
* indicating the modules whose controllers are tied to the MIDI;
* additional slider for scrolling the controllers when there is not enough space on the screen;
* spectrogram has been added to the to the spectrum analyzer;
* detailed settings of the spectrum analyzer are now available through the main menu -> Preferences -> Modules;
* Amplifier: new controller “Gain” for high amplification (x100, x1000 and higher);
* Analog Generator: new option “True zero attack/release” – turn it on when you need a very fast (instantaneous) zero attack or/and release;
* Analog Generator: new waveforms: “noise with spline interpolation (sampler)”, “white noise”, “pink noise”, “red noise”, “blue noise”, “violet noise”, “grey noise”;
* Compressor: new mode “peak zero latency” for compression/limiting without delay; modes “peak” and “RMS” operate with a delay of 1 ms;
* Distortion: new types: “foldback2”, “foldback3”, “overflow”;
* GPIO: max number of pins is increased to 256;
* LFO: new waveform “random interpolated” (same as random (5), but with a smoother transition between the signal levels);
* DrumSynth: three additional panning controllers for the bass, hihat and snare;
* Kicker and DrumSynth: panning controller can now be set locally (for each note separately);
* Kicker: “Boost” (old name – “Vol.addition”) controller works again after it was accidentally broken in SunVox 1.6 🙂 (base SunVox version in the project properties must be 1.9.4 or higher);
* Timeline: new function “set restart position” – use it to change the position which the project should restart from after the project end;
* pattern effect 03 (slide to note): default speed value (XXYY) is 256 (100 in hex);
* new pattern effect 24: take a note from line XXYY on the same track; if the note to the left of the effect is specified, it will be used as the transposition value (relative to C5: c5 – one semitone higher, C4 – one octave lower, etc.); if the module number is missing, then the module number from line XXYY will be used;
* new pattern effect 25: take a random note from the range of lines XX..YY (inclusive) on the same track;
* new pattern effect 26: take a note from track XXYY on the same line;
* new pattern effect 27: take a random note from the range of tracks XX..YY (inclusive) on the same line;
* new pattern effect 28: take a note from line XXYY on track 0;
* new pattern effect 29: take a random note from the range of lines XX..YY (inclusive) on track 0; see example “pat effect 29 random note from trk0”;
* module remapping: “pattern” button has been added;
* dialog window shortcuts: Y or ENTER = first button on the left; N = second button; ESC = cancel; 1…9 = buttons from left to right;
* if you enter the file name “exporttest” when exporting to WAV, the SunVox engine speed test will be performed (without saving to disk);
* new keyboard shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + N – new project;
* new keyboard shortcut: SHIFT + F10 – play from the pattern cursor;
* new instruments: keyboard/NR SuperSaw (lo-fi), analog11, analog12, pads/analog_distorted2, wind/NR Sax;
* new instruments and effects from other users (see the instruments and effects folders);
* new simple examples: idm, pat effect 29 random note from trk0;
* various small changes and improvements;
* updated version of SunVox library for developers;
* bug fixes.
* MultiCtl: new controllers “Response” and “Sample rate” to smoothly change the output value; response=1000 – immediate change; response 1000 – smooth change; optimal sample rate = 150Hz, please avoid higher values without the urgent need;

Get Sunvox

Using DAW LP As An Instrument
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Using DAW LP as an instrument

There are plenty of videos demoing DAW LP as an effect but what about using it as an instrument!? I’ll show you how you can turn it into a cool glitchy “Perplex On” inspired soundscape in AUM. Make those random turntables scratches sound like glitched out percussion hits and hats.


Sound Design Making Synth Drums
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Learn how to make drums in a synthesizer on an iPad

The following video tutorial will show you how to make drum sounds in a synthesizer. Drums immediately came to mind when asked to make presets for Audiokit Synth One. I just had to make a kit for folks who like to use synth drums like I do. The following sound design tutorial will get you started designing your own drums in a synthesizer in this case Synth One. This information works across the board so you can use this information on your favorite synth. I also formatted the kit for Patterning 1 and Patterning 2 so go ahead and grab that kit from the Patterning kit cloud. I highly recommend getting Patterning if you don’t have it already.

I hope you learn something from my video! Thanks for watching and please check out my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/djpuzzle

Get Synth One

Patterning 2 Is Here
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Olympia Noise Patterning 2

Patterning 2 is the next generation of the award-winning circular drum machine. Create beats like never before in a beautiful, intuitive interface that is both easy to use and brimming with features for the experienced producer.

Make dynamic drum patterns with the swipe of a finger. Quickly record rhythms and parameter automation. Use Patterning’s independent loop settings to explore rhythmic possibilities impossible to achieve in traditional sequencers. Automate and randomize parameters to create intricate & complex beats. Arrange patterns on the timeline to construct songs. Use the built-in effects to add atmosphere, shimmer and noise. Export patterns directly to Ableton Live or connect to other instruments with MIDI. Download hundreds of free factory and user-created drum kits for use in your own songs.

Some of what’s new in Patterning 2 :

• Record Beats with the New Drum Pads
• Drum Kit Switching
• Randomize (Almost) Everything
• Next Generation Ratcheting
• Automation Recording
• Coarse Tune & MIDI Note Quantization
• Quantized Pattern Launch
• Sample Folders
• Loop Rotate
• Pattern Tempo Changes
• Divide Mode Measure Length
• New Automation Layers : Randomization, Ratcheting, MIDI CCs, and more.
• Ableton Link Start/Stop
• MIDI Learn Recording
• MIDI Drum Triggering
• MIDI Only Tracks
• Unlimited MIDI CC Outputs
• MIDI Gate Length Automation
• Under the Hood Performance Improvements
• Workflow Enhancements

Other Key Features:
• Download hundreds of free factory and user-created drum kits.
• Export directly to an Ableton Live Set or perfect audio loops.
• Deep integration with MIDI for controlling and being controlled by hardware gear.
• Sync with Ableton Live and other apps using Ableton Link.

And so much more…

Get Patterning 2

  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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