iDensity For iPad Update Adds Link and More

iDensity iOS

iDensity is a new real-time software designed for asynchronous sound file granulation, a genuine granular playground able to generate a wide range of usual and not so usual effects: time/pitch shifting, time/pitch jittering, intricate textures, grain fountain/pulverizer, recording and manipulation of buffers, complex scrub pad exploration, dynamic envelope shape and many more. iDensity for iPad will give you all the basic and advanced tools you need to manipulate sound in subtle and surprising ways. All these features are packed in an optimized, user-friendly, visually sharp interface that is easy to access when fast-improvising live, composing in a studio, or sound designing at home and on the go! You will have the power, freedom, and flexibility to create like never before – on your iPad. Control and shape grains, anytime, anywhere with Density for iPad.

iDensity Screen

What’s New in Version 2.5

+ Ableton Link in integration, find out more about Link at http://ableton.com/link
+ Multichannel Audiobus/IAA routing
+ New MIDI Pitch Keyboard
+ Export/Load Live Buffer
+ Clear Live Buffer
+ New SYNC for LFO and Sequencer
+ New Wave Draw minimal/precise
+ New Mixer with Streams Panning
+ New record/loop waveform scrub
+ New iCloud Drive and Document Picker for Presets and Files
+ iPhone Landscape Left/Right
+ Extended Sample Load Time up to 300 secs.
+ MIDI Clock improved
+ Play/Stop responds to MIDI Clock message
+ Play Sync quantization
+ Improved Toggle Interaction
+ Improved UI
+ AudioCopy 3

Demo of scrub mode gesture recording in iDensity by apeSoft (v2.5+). Please excuse slight distortion in places on audio this was my audio recording not the app.

+ Six Granular Streams
+ High Density Granulation
+ Sampled and Live granulation
+ In-Stream Echo and RM post Fx
+ Multichannels Audiobus Inter-App Audio support
+ MIDI, Virtual Midi and Network
+ Sharing common audio files via iTunes, Dropbox AudioCopy etc…
+ Snapshots Presets Morphing Pad
+ Post Fx chain: Parametric and High Shelf Filters, Classic Reverb and Dynamics Processor
+ Scrub Recording and playback
+ etc.


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  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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