Compose Music With An iPad
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ezComposer For iPad

ezComposer by Yeinart

Let me introduce The most advanced composing app in the world. The smartest composing app. for ipad (and iPhone). This pro version supports ez Sequencer and this is incredibly easy because of the mouse like finger interface.

The user just arrange the chord progression and set the style for each instruments. The ezComposer Pro sequences midi notes instead of you. If the chords changed, ezComposer Pro immediately does midi sequencing automatically. The melody can be easily recorded by keyboard and it supports UNDO to cancel current recording. You can edit each note with ez Sequencer.

You can easily make moving music through the special composing system in the ezComposer Pro. ezComposer Pro supports 144 chords set and about 400s styles set for major instruments. What you need to make a song is just drag-and-drop the chord and style. No more midi sequencing in the smartphone.

ezComposer Pro is the only professional composing app. in various situation like in the subway, in the bed, when you walk …

First, arrange the chords and styles for each instrument, Second, record major melody using the velocity-aware keyboard. That’s all. It’s amazing app. You can also easily edit each notes with mouse-action-like smart midi sequencer, ez Sequencer.

Also it supports chord progression recommendation system based on 500s chords set for each key. Ofcourse, you can export your project as a midi file to use in your favorite sequencer like cubase, sonar, logic.

ezComposer Pro will be useful for
1. Beginners for midi composing
– who have no idea about midi sequencing
– who want to sequence various chords without chord knowledge.
– who want to make various chord progression
– You can open your project through exporting midifile and you can see the midi notes!

2. People who are interest in composing, and professional composers
– who don’t want to be bothered by ordinary midi sequencing.
– who want to see various chord progression
– You can sketch anyplace with the combination of various chord sets and style set

*** Features ***
+ Drag-and-drop based chord and style editing
– 144 chords : major, minor, 7th, 6th, m7, m7, m7-5, aug, dim, dim7, Maj7, sus4 chords
– 132 drum styles : 4 beat, 8 beat, 16 beat and various feel-ins
– 132 piano styles : Well-sequenced midi playing sets like professional pianist’s play
– 72 guitar styles : various sets from stroke to arpeggio (A1-1 ~ B9-3)
– 60 base guitar styles : various bass guitar styles (C1-1 ~ D6-3)
– Double tapping support to insert chord and style.

+ Chord recommendation system
– Next chord recommendation system based on current chord progression.
– instant chord progression guide
– 500s various chord progression for each Key(12 Major Keys, 12 Minor Keys)

+ ez Sequencer
– If you’re familiar with mouse sequencing, the ezComposer Pro will be the best app for you.
– In the sequencer, your index finger will be the mouse pointer and if you locate the pointer, then click the screen with middle finger like mouse click. It’s really natural and easy way to use sequencer.
– In other words, you can use your fingers as a mouse.
– It supports two fingers scrolling and three fingers actions like note length editing and velocity editing.

+ Keyboard and Drumpad
– Velocity-aware Drumpad : for drumkit, you can use drumpad to record drum notes!
– Velocity-aware Keyboard : 2-layered Keyboard.

+ Instruments
– 49 various high quality instruments with 16bit 44.1khz
– Standard, Jazz, Rock, House,…. 7 various drum kits.

+ Editing
– User-friendly made user interface and interactive instant help system
– midi file exporting
– Copy & paste
– Volume and pan control for each track
– midi tempo control
– Block the auto sequencing ( double tapping the the style editor )

Polychord Synth App And Midi Controller For iPad
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Polychord iPad App Logo

Performable. Recordable. Polychord 2. A musical instrument for experts and beginners alike. Write songs, play music, record and share.

Hit any of the chord circles to play a chord. Slide your fingers over the strum keys and play the notes. Go from Major to Minor. Switch Keys. Play a scale. Turn on auto accompany and play along to drums, bass, and an arpeggiator that has a whole range of time-signatures to choose from.

Turn on MIDI for any of the instruments in polychord, and use it as a powerful controller for your favorite audio programs.

Like chiptunes and 8-bit music? Polychord has bitshift effects, including detailed controls for the drums. Decimate and distort your sounds with full control over bits and bitrate.

polychord music app for iPad from gregory Wieber on Vimeo.

It can also be used as a MIDI controller via WiFi.


  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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