Sonic Zoom by Robert Tubb

Sonic Zoom iPad

Sonic Zoom is a PhD research project from Queen Mary University. The app aims to look at how people interact with music synthesisers: how they adjust parameters and explore the vast range of sounds on offer.

There are two interfaces presented. The first is fairly standard: ten sliders that control each parameter. The second is more novel: a two-dimensional surface that can be scrolled and zoomed similar to a map. Every sound that can be made with the synth is located somewhere on this surface. If you find a sound you like, you can zoom in on it to explore smaller variations. You can save a sound and this will drop a marker on the surface. These markers are easy to revisit and can be smoothly interpolated between. Your path through the sound space is visible, so you can retrace your steps.


The first 15 minutes is a timed experiment. Users will then be asked to complete a quick questionnaire. After this you are free to use the app, and a few extra features will be unlocked as a reward.


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