Phaserings iPad Ensemble

A studio performance of an RNN-controlled Touch Screen Ensemble from 2017-07-03 at the University of Oslo.

In this performance, a touch-screen musician improvises with a computer-controlled ensemble of three artificial performers. A recurrent neural network tracks the touch gestures of the human performer and predicts musically appropriate gestural responses for the three artificial musicians. The performances on the three ‘AI’ iPads are then constructed from matching snippets of previous human recordings. A plot of the whole ensemble’s touch gestures are shown on the projected screen.

This performance uses Metatone Classifier (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.51712) to track touch gestures and Gesture-RNN (https://github.com/cpmpercussion/gest…) to predict gestural states for the ensemble. The touch-screen app used in this performance was PhaseRings (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50860).

This work is supported by The Research Council of Norway as a part of the Engineering Predictability with Embodied Cognition (EPEC) project, under grant agreement 240862. Citable at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.831910

PhaseRings is a musical instrument for performing expressive music with touch gestures. Anyone can create a beautiful piece of music with our sound schemes and generative composition engine!

Each ring on the screen represents a different pitch, and you can tap and swirl on each ring to create combinations of long and short notes. The angle and size of your tap will change the timbre of the notes you create!

PhaseRings includes seven expressive “sound schemes” featuring percussive sounds like marimba and singing bowls as well as pure synth sounds like phase and string synthesis.

Three “compositions” of pitches are included in the app, but you can also create your own custom composition by choosing three base notes and scales, PhaseRings will do the rest, generating a series of great setups from the harmony you choose!

– 7 sound schemes
– 4 built-in setups
– Custom generative composition
– 11 scales and modes
– Core MIDI support for iOS MIDI Accessories and MIDI enabled apps
– AudioBus Support with state saving
– Inter-App Audio Support

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