4Pockets MultiTrack AU
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MultiTrack AU App

MultiTrack Recorder Plugin App Store Description:
This is an AUv3 compatible Multi-Track Recorder plugin specifically designed for AUM and other DAW’s that don’t support audio recording capabilities.

MultiTrack can be used for a host of purposes such as a tool for recording and layering audio for export to other DAW’s , creating that perfect loop for other third party applications or recording vocal sessions to accompany you in AUM. Its uses are endless.

It features the ability to record up to 8 mono or stereo audio tracks per instance, with the ability to run multiple instances under the control of your host DAW. MultiTrack has the ability to run standalone using it’s own transport or synced to a host which allows synchronous control of multiple instances.

MultiTrack supports various recording modes including the ability to set punch in and out points for sample accurate recordings. Press the Host Sync in order to the advantage of the hosts transport controls or enable the remote button to enable host recording controls (great for NS2).

Use the Audio Pool window to quickly and easily import, export and perform mix-downs of audio clips. Quickly and easily move audio files using drag and drop to the time line or between the audio pool and the Files App. Imported audio is automatically converted to the projects sample rate. The audio pool also features the ability to copy and paste audio directly from the iOS pasteboard as well as preview and manage your data.

An intergrated 8 channel mixer allows you to control the level, pan and effect send levels. Although AUM allows some great routing options for third party effects, MultiTrack also includes an extremely CPU friendly beat synced delay and reverb which can be used where recording pre-effected instruments is not an option.

MultiTrack allows per clip volume level as well as being able to control start and end cropping and fade in/out on a clip by clip basis. All these operations are quick and easy to make using the touch screen alone.

Also included is the ability to perform operations such as splitting, normalising, reversing and time stretching of audio clips all with a multi-level undo built right in. A comprehensive set of selection, copying and duplication tools make editing a breeze.

Each track has it’s own mute, solo and metering which can also be used to monitoring incoming signal levels. Finally you have the ability to mix down a selected range of your song or create perfectly looped samples for use in other DAW’s , samplers and drum machines such as DigiStix.


○ 8 tracks per instance.
○ Mixer with level, pan and effect settings.
○ Mix mono or stereo clips on a track.
○ Built in CPU friendly delay and reverb.
○ Multi-level undo function.
○ Loop play and record modes (when not synced to host).
○ Mix-down facility.
○ Cut, copy, paste and duplicate clips.
○ Ability to sync to host tempo.
○ Metronome with count-in.
○ Drag and drop support with the Files App.
○ Backup and Restore of individual songs.
○ Automatic conversion of imported audio.
○ Zoom mode for use when cropping clips.

Get Multi-Track Recorder HERE

Vesuvius Sampler For iOS
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Vesuvius Sampler App

Vesuvius Sampler is a 10-part groovebox for the iPad that emulates the Korg volca sample from the Korg Volca series. Developed by Finegear using Korg’s open source SYRO SDK, Vesuvius is designed to help users select, prepare, sequence and upload their samples and pattern sets for their Korg volca sample.

As an emulation of the Volca Sample, it fully reproduces the features and interface of the original hardware unit. It brings to the iPad environment the intuitive sequencer and sampler and the same array of sample manipulations enhanced with an analog isolator and an assignable reverb effect.

More than just an emulation, Vesuvius also features sample importing, MIDI sync, MIDI mapping (and learning) as well as audio session recording in order to make it as usable as possible.

There is also a sample edit view which features browsing and import options (internal library, iTunes shared folder) as well as direct sample editing, further enabling you to load and edit any of your samples wherever they are!

To load samples and patterns on Volca hardware units, Vesuvius integrates Korg’s SYRO SDK and offers a complete solution that streamlines your workflow.

You can use Vesuvius as a standalone groovebox or just to prepare your sample sets and patterns for your Volca Sample. It is also a great app to discover the world of sampling and sample mangling.

Vesuvius iOS Sampler


– 10 part sampling groovebox
– Part assignable reverb
– Isolator equalizer on the master
– 100 sample slots per project
– Interface emulation: it works and sounds just like the hardware version!
– Sample edit interface:
– Browse and import from internal sample library, iTunes shared folder, Dropbox and AudioCopy
– Edit samples: trim, normalize and reverse
– MIDI mapping allows the use of any class compliant MIDI controller to control the app
– MIDI learning for easy and immediate mapping for all Interface controls
– MIDI synchronisation and transport can be used to play along with other apps or devices
– Backward and forward nudging allows syncing with a band, DJ, etc
– Audio recording and export
– Save and manage sample sets and projects (made up of a sample set, – containing 100 samples and 10 patterns)
– Sample, sample set and pattern upload to hardware Volca Sample using the Korg SYRO SDK.

What’s next?

– AUv3, IAA, AudioBus integration
– Dropbox integration (sample import, recording export)
– Soundcloud recording upload
– Pattern edit interface: an alternative, more explicit and intuitive way to organise and tweak pattern parameters and their automations
– More demo projects!

Get Vesuvius HERE

Knorr Bass Exciter
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Knorr Bass Exciter App

Knorr is a plugin that adds intensity and edge to a monophonic low frequency audio source (like a bass). The algorithm adds overtones to an existing sound in a way that isn’t possible with ordinary distortion or filtering.

The Knorr Algorithm

The underlying algorithm uses a combination of filtering, amplitude- , and frequency modulation to process incoming audio. Although Knorr is developed with bass sounds in mind, it can be used on any monophonic sound source as long as there is audio content available in the low mids (and below).

**User interface**

XY Pad – Controls the bandwidth and amount of energy sent to the algorithm. Click and drag to move the marker.

Range (X-axis) – Sets a low pass filter frequency of the signal to be sent to the algorithm. Spans from 100 Hz to 1 kHz.

Level (Y-axis) – Sets the level of the low passed audio content.

Bite (SOFT, MEDIUM, HARD) – Alters the amount of intensity of the modulations.

Output – Sets the output level.

Bypass – Turns the effect on or off.

Frequency Response graph – Shows the frequency response of the internal modulation signal.

Note that Knorr is a AUv3 only and and needs to be launched via a AUv3 compatible host like GarageBand, Cubasis, Auria or similar. It will not work as a stand alone application.

More info, audio samples etc available at https://klevgrand.se/products/knorr

High Power Portable Charger
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Musicians using a Deluge, Digitakt or other portable music hardware groovebox type gear will find this to be the perfect portable charger. Good for iPad gear as well. Anker PowerCore 26800 Portable Charger, 26800mAh External Battery with Dual Input Port and Double-Speed Recharging, 3 USB Ports for iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Android and Other Smart Devices

The Anker Advantage: Join the 50 million+ powered by our leading technology.
Colossal Capacity: 26800mAh of power charges most phones over 6 times, tablets at least 2 times and any other USB device multiple times.
High-Speed Charging: 3 USB output ports equipped with Anker’s PowerIQ and VoltageBoost technology ensure high-speed charging for three devices—simultaneously (Not compatible with Qualcomm Quick Charge).
Recharge 2X Faster: Dual Micro USB (20W) input offers recharge speeds up to twice as fast as standard portable chargers—a full recharge takes just over 6 hours while using both input ports (wall charger not included).
What You Get: PowerCore 26800, 2X Micro USB Cable, Travel Pouch, Welcome Guide, our worry-free 18-month warranty and friendly customer service. USB-C cable and Lightning cable for iPhone / iPad sold separately.

Get it here from Amazon for $69

Anker PowerCore 26800 Portable Charger, 26800mAh External Battery with Dual Input Port and Double-Speed Recharging, 3 USB Ports for iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Android and Other Smart Devices

Virsyn Matrix Vocoder iOS
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Virsyn Matrix Vocoder For iOS

Matrix Vocoder transforms your voice into an electronic instrument! The Vocoder was invented by Homer Dudley in the mid-30’s of the last century. Dudley worked at Bell Laboratories, and this is where the first Vocoder took shape.

The Matrix Vocoder is designed to properly simulate the classic analog Vocoder sound made famous e.g. by the music of the german band Kraftwerk. At there last world tour they used in fact the PC version of our Matrix Vocoder on stage !

The basic function of a Vocoder is characterised by an analysis of the input signal, usually speech but other type of inputs can also be very interesting. In a special filter bank, a spectral analysis is performed and signals are developed which follows the amount of spectral energy in each channel. Another part of the analyser tests if there are unvoiced or voiced sounds at any particular time and extracts the pitch of the voiced sounds.

The output section of the vocoder consists of a stereophonic synthesis filter bank which assembles the new synthetic speech from the characteristic filter envelopes from the analysis stage together with an external or internal replacement signal.

– 32 channel Filterbank with 8-pole Butterworth analog filters

– Stereophonic synthesis with analog modelled alias free oscillators.

– External carrier possible ( left channel = voice / right channel = carrier )

– Voiced/Unvoiced detection

– Pitch tracking

– Formant shift

– Matrix uses patchbay to connect analysis and synthesis channels.

– Pan position and level for each channel.

– 16 internal oscillators with unlimited voices for choir like sounds.

– Stereo wide panorama parameter for internal generator.

– Optional monophonic generator with Glide setting.

– Internal noise generator.

– Effect AudioUnit and Music Effect AudioUnit

– stand alone / Audiobus 3 / IAA

Get Matrix Vocoder HERE

  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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