Ambient Soundscapes For iPad
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Ambient Soundscapes For iPad

Waviary is an interactive musical artwork that is part instrument, part generative ambient music machine, and part virtual wind chimes.

What’s New:
5 new tone sets!
New Pitch Cycler effect!
New visual fx when audio fx are engaged
Reduced app size
New pitch ramp up/down buttons!
New wow and flutter effect!
New choppy/tremolo effect!
Save/recall current settings as user snapshots/presets
Tone sets are now selected via popup row/table for quick access
Background color now changes color with pitch change
Bugfix: pitch and volume sliders now respond correctly to multi-touch

Simple multi-touch control allows anyone to effortlessly create lush ambient soundscapes and environments, or simply listen as Waviary generates it’s own “forest-like” sonic environments.
The generative player can run while you play as well, allowing for a randomized ambient jam session.

A sleep timer is included…put on headphones and let Waviary’s weird, wonderful sounds lull you to sleep.


– Rich ambient tones and textures
– Multi-touch controls allow expressive creation of rich ambient soundscapes
– Generative mode creates endlessly evolving sonic environments
– 10 Tone sets (more added with free updates)
– pitch control
– octave up/down buttons
– lock button to lock orbs in place, or unlock to move freely
– Sleep Timer


Generative Ambient Sound Generator
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Generative Ambient Sound Generator

Create beautiful ambient music on your iOS device with Circuli, another cool generative app by conceptualized and developed by Batuhan Bozkurt (creator of the highly acclaimed instrument Otomata which is enjoyed by millions of people to date).

Tap the screen, enjoy the sounds and have fun!

For the curious:

* Circles grow at a constant rate.

* No two circle can overlap.

* Bigger circle pushes and shrinks smaller circle when in contact.

* A circle “pops” and makes a sound when its boundary intersects with the center of another circle.

* The pitch of the sound is determined by the position of the circle on the background. Bigger the hole, higher the pitch.

* The envelope of the produced sound is determined by a number of parameters including final circle size and time of interaction between two involved circles.

Circuli is available for $0.99

Ambient Music Generator For iPad
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Ambient Music Generator For iPad

50,000+ fans across the world! To celebrate there has been a complete redesign for version 3.0

Tonalverse is a new ambient universe generator, allowing you to distract your mind by creating ambient tones and infinite sequences in an abstract graphical universe.

• Get creative in bouncing tonal spheres across a multi-dimensional landscape, designing new patterns and cellular interactions.

• Tonalverse utilizes the physical properties of simulated planetary bodies in space and unbounded cellular automation to generate infinitely unique tonal soundscapes.

• Take five minutes to immerse yourself with wholly relaxing tones generated by simply interfacing with gorgeous planetary bodies in a tonalverse of your own.

• Tonalverse is your temporary escape from reality, allowing you to reset your mind, refocus and succeed.


Sound Cells For iPad iPhone and iPod Touch
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Sound Cells For iPhone and iPod Touch

Sound Cells is an interactive generative music app. Just touch the matrix to create some moving cells and see them interact with each other and generate sound in realtime.

If a cell hits the wall, it creates a sound. If a cell ends up in the same location as another one, they change directions. You can remove cells by touching them or by hitting the cell removing button.

The app comes with the 2 different sounds, which can be controlled in realtime for very expressive effects.
Also the app can generate MIDI output, so you can hook up a midi capable instrument for endless possibilities.
On the newest version, it is possible to choose the scale that the app will use, the tempo and the key. This allows the app to be able to become a performance tool, where it can play along different musical settings.

This is a universal app and on the iPad, it will use the full available resolution for a rich visual experience.

What’s New in Version 1.2

Added ability to sync to external midi clock signal and support for background audio.

Sound Cells is available for $0.99

Glitch Machine Generative Music App
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Glitch Machine Generative Music App

Glitch Machine is a generative music synthesizer. Expressions are edited live to produce sound interactively.

The magic of Glitch Machine’s synthesis is in the BYTE, which wraps a final output value to a number between 0 – 255. The repeating patterns (or chaos) of this ‘wrapping’ produces waveforms and beats.

What’s New in Version 1.1

This version adds a bunch of requested features from fans of Glitch Machine…

– Interactive controls in the form of two XY pads/sliders, and eight code preset trigger pads. Along with these comes new input variables (x, y, u and v).
– FAST FORWARD and REWIND controls, so you can scrub through your glitchtune in forward and reverse at various speeds.
– PAUSE control for the expression, and combined with the FF and RW buttons, you can now single-step through your expression’s wave output in both forward and reverse.
– Fullscreen visualizations, and transparent overlay modes for all screens, so you never have to be apart from the funky waves.
– Multiple named session saving, so you can set it up just how you like for performance
– Extra MUTATE button so you can mutate code and numbers separately.
– New screen navigation methods for


– Interactive, live code editing
– Waveform and data visualizations
– Expression sharing via email and Twitter
– WAV export to iTunes
– Save and load expressions
– Supports all device orientations
– Configurable theme

Intua Pasteboard: copy an exported WAV of your tune to the pasteboard, and paste into apps that support audio paste.
Fixed incorrect update rate for the stack. If you’re using PICK for feedback effects, this may alter the sound of your tune. Check out the “guitarhead” example for how it should really sound.
Glitch codes are now stored in Documents, which means they are backed up via iTunes
Expanded the colour palette a little bit.
Extra confirmation dialogs so you don’t accidentally delete something.
If you set the text colour the same as the background colour, which is a silly thing to do, then when you exit and re-start the app it will reset those two colours so you can read again.

What is Bytebeat music? It’s a new genre of music involving algorithmic music and sounds. It’s basically a short computer program sometimes consisting of as few as three arithmetic operations in an infinite loop that generates sound when output as raw PCM audio. The basic idea is this:

1 main(t) {
2 for(t=0;;t++)
3 putchar( t * (((t>>12) | (t>>8) ) & ( 63 & (t>>4))));
4 }

This simple loop has one variable, t (time). We use t to calculate some output. Next, we take the output and pipe it into 8-bit 8-kHz PCM channel (for example /dev/audio!).

Glitch Machine is available for $2.99

  • iPad Loops is an iOS music production blog dedicated to exposing the best iPad apps musicians, producers, and Djs. This is not a database of every app. It is, however, one of useful recommendations from someone with many years in music production. I try to update it on a daily basis (ok sometimes every two days) and I do my best to post useful apps only. My name is Jason Donnelly (Dj Puzzle). You might know me from my royalty free loop packs and sound design. Some of the apps that contain my sounds are Synth One, EG Segments, Hammerhead, Retronyms AudioCopy, Audio Evolution Mobile, LP-5, iPRO.DJSAMPLER, Looptastic. My work is published by Roland, Antares, Magix, Soundtrack Loops, Sample Logic, Acoustica, Loopmasters and many more. Subscribe to our RSS feed below to get updated when new apps are posted.
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