BitWiz Audio Synth translates C-like code expressions into lo-fi 8-bit generative audio in real-time.
Explore the algorithmic music of simple bitwise arithmetic operations. Uses simple math and lines of code to generate sounds. Based on this webpage
Explore the algorithmic music of simple bitwise arithmetic operations while watching the retro-digital 3D graphics.
You don’t need to learn C to use this app, just play around with the included codes and tweak a number here or there, and strange glitchy variations will appear.
What’s New in Version 2.0
– 3D oscilloscope with real-time visuals
– XY-pad for tweaking of variables. Play BitWiz as an instrument!
– Custom keyboard for easier editing

BitWiz iOS 8 Bit Synth For iOS Screenshot
BitWiz comes bundled with lots of examples, and you can easily add your own codes to the built-in library.
You can also share your codes by e-mail.
The entered code expression is used to calculate each audio frame, and can optionally include the microphone input as a variable, for crazy distortion effects!
BitWiz is available for $2.99